God loves a trier and so we are back with a new Podcast: ETF SUCCESS STORIES. The first episode is out now featuring the Co-Founders of BondBloxx and it’s pretty cool if you ask us. Getting the inside story of what it takes to succeed in the ETF industry should spark the interest of everyone, so we hope you take the time to check it out. Plus, lots of great more interviews to come.
ETFS: ‘Some asset managers might be smoking crack’
ACTIVE, ACTIVE , ACTIVE, that’s all we hear about now as if it’s like some sort of new found discovery. Correct us if we are wrong, but the ETF industry has been advocating passive investing since the beginning of time claiming ‘you can’t beat the market’, ‘active management doesn’t work’, blah blah blah.
Millennials, the sweet spot for ETFs
A new report of Charles Schwab advocates the take up of ETFs as the investment vehicle of choice from the tech savvy generations. Whilst this report was US focused, its findings very much mirror what BlackRock published earlier in the summer about the European ETF landscape. Younger people like ETFs, simple.
The Rocky Balboa of the ETF industry
Everyone has seen the Rocky movie, we assume, right? Rocky, the underdog fighting the incumbent and winning in the end. It’s a great story. Well, looks like we have a Rocky story in ETFs and it’s called Betashares. Set up in 2099 by Alex Vynokur, an Ukrainian national who emigrated to Australia.
DWS are back baby
2022 was a tough year for the DWS ETF business in Europe with flows really languishing vs the competition and many wondering what was going on. They were on a bad run. BUT now they are back and back with a bang.
Willie Wonka and ESG
What started out as something so promising has quickly turned into a bit of a car crash, it seems. We are now at the stage where firms are actually avoiding using the term ESG altogether.
It reminds us a bit like the movie Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where one of the kids eats so much candy that she ends up exploding. Similarly, so many ETF asset managers jumped on the ESG bandwagon and the green washing became so prevalent, that they ended up in a similar situation to poor Violet.
ETF: What’s the secret sauce and how do you find it?
Everyone says that ETFs are a scale game and only the large firms can succeed. However, there are many small firms who one could claim to be very successful in ETFs, punching above their weight so to speak.
But what is the secret to their success? Is it good luck, good timing, good management, good products, good branding and distribution or a sprinkling of all of the above?
Will ARK be the catalyst for Active ETF growth in Europe?
Sometimes you wait for a bus for ages and then all of a sudden two of them come along together. It felt a bit like that this week in Europe when it was announced ARK Invest was taking over RIZE and then that Robeco would be launching a European ETF business. Both of these are Active managers so we can assume they will NOT be launching passive products.
The biggest problem in ETFs right now
Anyone reading this sits within the ETF bubble, and within the bubble we all assume a base level of knowledge of the ETF ecosystem. However, outside of the bubble, the level of knowledge around ETFs is pitifully low and we are not talking about the man and woman in the street, but professionals within the wider asset management space.
Back to school time
Coming back after the summer break always reminds us of the return to school, those dreaded back to school adverts, buying school uniforms and getting new books for the year ahead. Yuck
For those of you shuffling back into the office you missed out on last week’s big news. Grayscale gave the SEC a bloody nose and the price of Bitcoin took a jump as a result. High drama indeed. Who said summer was always a quiet time.